Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Golfing Trio

The weather was a little warmer this day, so my dad, lance, and I took the opportunity to practice our swing at the golfing range. My dad has been teaching me how to improve my swing. I must say it was some great advice! I was hitting every single ball, and not only were they going farther, but they were straight! It was a lot of fun.
Mom thought is was too cold, so she sat in the truck and waited until we finished.

Dad and Lance


Heather said...

Yea! I'm so glad you have a blog! I haven't seen you forever! We need to get together again....also what kind of camera do you have? We've been looking at some and can't decide which one to get.

Alisha said...

You crack me up, many times I have wondered what you have been up to so it was good to hear from you. It looks like you have been having a great time!

rigbyspot said...

Hey! Nice Blog! How is nursing going? I bet you're an awesome nurse. I found your blog on Kristin's. My blog is private so send me an email and I'll add you. It's good to see what you've been up to. ~Shalise

rigbyspot said...

Oh yeah! Duh! My email is

ahollandetc said...

Hey you guys...this is Alisa (Jared Holland's wife). Uh, I hope you don't mind that I linked to you from the Egget's blog.

Ok, Natalie, can I just say that you are so dang gorgeous!!! Also, I saw that you guys went on a cruise with Rich and Holly Day? How do you know them? We were in their old ward in Centerville...they are so adorable!

Anyway, if it is okay, I'd love to get to know you guys better via blogging! Our blog is private, but I will send you an invite (I have your email from gourmet club) and you can check us out if you want.

Oh BTW the Rodebush's have a blog too We'd still love to get together with you guys and the Rodebush's.

Ok, sorry I just wrote a novel on your blog...